Drive personalized engagement through omnichannel and multiexperience marketing

Take your omnichannel and multichannel marketing to a new level of customer personalization and engagement to increase your conversions significantly and reap the harvest of your digital marketing efforts. Multiexperience marketing drives smarter, easier interactions with your products and services by delivering just the right kind of content, at the right time and place, so that your brand and touchpoints within your buyer journey simply become a part of their daily life, irrespective of the channel they use. Be where your customers are and make them fall in love with your brand and its community.

Start by impressing your audiences with an omnichannel experience

Having a solid online presence and investing in meaningful customer interactions is essential for every business that wants to stay ahead of the curve in this time of digital transformation. But nowadays more than ever, customers search for information via a staggering multitude of digital touchpoints—ranging from PC, smartphones, and tablets to smart TVs, wearables, chatbots, and beyond. The more channels and devices they use, the more critical it becomes for brands to deliver integrated omnichannel digital experiences. 

Customers don’t want to jump from one experience into another. They’re looking for consistent, engaging experiences delivered to their preferred channels and devices. To provide a positive brand experience and build lasting relationships, we need to connect all touchpoints together. A digital experience platform (DXP) from Kentico provides you with a set of future-proof tools with a centralized, user-friendly interface, that will help you create and manage perfectly personalized digital experiences your customers require. That equals increased customer engagement, minimized workload, maximized ROI, and elevated customer loyalty—a win for everybody!

Embrace the multiexperience approach

With the pace of technological evolution , customer expectations continue to skyrocket, forcing brands to shift from omnichannel-focused customer journeys to multiexperiences. Simply put, we need to focus on not just delivering individual digital experiences through all channels and devices, but on ensuring customers engage consistently with your brand, regardless of where they encounter it. To enable that, we need to have all customer data perfectly consolidated and synchronized. 

With Kentico, you can leverage all the necessary tools that will help you collect the data you need to create highly relevant digital experiences and deliver it to your audiences—fast and effortlessly. But to be able to do so, you need to start with collecting valuable customer data and preparing it for further use. Leverage functionalities such cross-site trackingconsent managementcampaign managementweb analytics, or contact segmentation to learn all you need to know about your customers, and support your multichannel efforts.

Collect data efficiently to tailor winning messages

Marketing budgets need to be allocated carefully, with objectives and goals set precisely. By leveraging the right, future-proof approaches, your marketing success will not only deliver on them but exceed your expectations. A well-implemented DXP will help you interact with your audiences along their entire digital journey, wherever and whenever suitable for them, no matter your level of digital experience maturity. 

Once your customer data from various interactions is collected through Kentico's  customer data platform, it gets assigned to individual customer profiles, enabling its further use with the highest level of efficiency. You can easily segment your audiences and customers, assign personas to them and identify your most promising leads to personalize the user experience to perfection. With all data consolidated and accessible in a single place, tailoring the digital experiences with precision and confidence will become a piece of cake. Your customers will feel at home with your brand and you will easily outrun your competitors.

Design exciting content for all channels

With all data perfectly unified within your DXP, it’s time to focus on your customers’ experiences. Use our intuitive channel-specific applications and easy-to-use customisable templates to quickly design any digital content you need to impress your customers. Thanks to our universal approach to design, you'll find each application works in the same familiar way, increasing your speed to market and the execution of your marketing campaigns. 

Create it once, use it anywhere

Great content takes time and effort to create, so being able to get the most value out of each piece of content is vitally important. With Kenticoall your design applications leverage the same central store of 'atomic' content—reusable elements of meaningful content that you can use and reuse to build out any marketing asset quickly and easily.  

Get better ROI on your marketing content for much less effort. Having reusable, dynamically updatable content means you no longer need to waste valuable time updating content across multiple locations to avoid brand inconsistencies. Smart filtering and powerful metadata means you get the right kinds of content for the application you're working in or the campaign you are creating. No more endless searching for the right image or stressing about attribution governance!  

Plus, with automated workflows, you’ll save lots of time for your team, multiple language variants will get your content even closer to your audiences, and A/B testing will help you finetune the optimization of your content to make sure your personalization has reached perfection.

Deliver content headlessly to wherever your customers are

Kentico is designed and optimized for the flexible ‘anywhere distribution’ of hybrid headless digital experiences. While headless CMSes are primarily designed for developer use, our hybrid headless is built to enable marketers to leverage the power of headless, without the need for coding. Now, anyone can dynamically and intuitively create, personalize and deliver superb content and experiences across every channel and site within your digital marketing ecosystem. 

Looking to further customize where and how content will be delivered to external apps? Don’t worry—our content delivery APIs are perfect for use by your front-end developers too!

Try Kentico

Beat the competition and start delivering results with the only digital experience platform that combines advanced capabilities, a short time to value, and ease of use.

Key platform features

Scalability and Performance

Deliver high-performance websites with the latest ASP.NET technology.


MVC Development

Speed up development with ASP.NET Core MVC and make marketers more productive with widgets.


Deployment Tools

Benefit from straightforward deployment and server maintenance. Create and synchronize multiple environments effortlessly.



Eliminate threats and secure your websites. Stay protected with Anti-CSRF tokens and create multiple security layers.


Cloud Deployment

Deploy your websites in the cloud.


Headless API

Publish content to any channel with a powerful headless API layer.


Extensibility and Customization

Extend the platform with your code. Add custom functionality and customize the user interface to fit specific use cases.

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