Skyrocket your business results with a secure and future-proof DXP

Rest assured knowing that you can always rely on your digital experience platform. With Kentico’s digital experience platform, you’ll get a stable and secure solution, consisting of future-proof tools, to help you meet your digital goals faster and with confidence. Enjoy a modern, innovative, and flexible technology stack with strong cloud capabilities, powerful integrations, and bulletproof security measures. 

Be prepared for the future

Technology changes at a rapid pace—just like your market does! While you are busy researching which new and emerging marketing channels you can use to engage with your customers, we’re using the most modern technologies available and looking at innovations we can add to make your life easier. Plus, with our robust set of APIs, Kentico’s digital experience platform carries the reputation of being one of the most customizable DXPs on the market! Developers love us because they can easily meet even the most challenging requirements of their customers using our platform.  

Leverage common development frameworks like Microsoft .NET, React or any other front-end framework you’d like to use for building a custom website. Extend your administrative interface with custom applications or integrations to create an entire digital ecosystem of all your favorite marketing tools. Check out our Marketplace to see what extensions and integrations are available. 

What you need, when you need it—a solution that grows and scales as you do

It’s an age-old problem: You buy something for today’s needs, but then find out later that it no longer fits the bill and you’re up for another huge mar-tech investment. Our DXP solves the problem for you. Our highly flexible architecture gives you the freedom to fluidly grow your solution to meet your evolving needs, without having to invest in costly re-platforming projects and lengthy procurement periods.

A flexible solution, designed to evolve with you over the long term

  • Need marketing capabilities now, start fast by deploying it as a rich, fully-fledged set of digital marketing tools. 

  • If you're ramping up your marketing automationpersonalization, and optimization initiatives and need more performance out of your DXP, take a modular, componentized approach and let’s scale out those components and give them the power they need, when they need it. 

  • Want to compose your own set of marketing tools in your digital ecosystem? Take a composable approach to your DXP by adding a completely custom frontend, building service or customer loyalty apps, or integrating your DXP, favorite best-of-breed marketing tools and business applications within a wider business ecosystem of microservices. 

Choose the best home for your DXP and its data

Stop worrying about data privacy and avoid vendors dictating where your valuable customer data will live. 

Unlike restrictive multi-tenanted solutions, our unique approach to deploying single tenants across the globe gives you the flexibility of choosing where you store your customer data, and reducing the risk and impact of data exposure, global outages, resource competition, and pricing volatility. No matter whether you choose our SaaS solution, host it in your own public/private cloud, or even implement it within isolated on-premises—our DXP is designed to help you meet your data compliance obligations.

Protect your data from the inside out

There are times when some information needs to be restricted for embargo, privacy, IP protection, or other reasons, even if it’s only for a short period of time. Within your team, you might also want to restrict access to information and applications based on work roles, processes, or even time and location. 

Leverage multiple layers of security to manage access to your DXP applications, secure your websites, and keep customer data safe from prying eyes. From applying granular user permissions to applications and individual resources, to a wide range of authentication and threat mitigation measures, Kentico has everything you need to set up a secure operating context for your team, and protect your sensitive data.

You’re in safe hands with us. We are ISO27001 certified, develop our software in accordance with OWASP secure development practices and undergo regular penetration tests. We are so confident in the security and quality of our product that we established our famous 7-day bug fixing policy and Trees for Bugs. 

Get the best support in the business

Your team never seems to sleep, and nor do we. From the break of dawn to the dark hours in the dead of night, we are with you all the way. We’ll help you design and implement the best possible solution, we will help you troubleshoot and resolve any issues, and we’ll work with you to get the most out of your DXP. Plus, our versioned products carry the longest software support periods in the market. Where most DXPs force you to perform costly upgrades every year or two, Kentico will support you for many years on the same version, so YOU can decide when it's time to trade up to a newer version! 

Want the convenience of cloud?

Regardless of whether you are just moving to the cloud, or whether you’ve been there for years, there’s no denying that it’s convenient. No more server rooms to run, or software applications to maintain. You get fast access to new marketing and content management features and your IT team gets to work on strategic business objectives instead of patching, maintaining, and operating your infrastructure. 

Availability, resilience, updates, and strong cloud security are all factors that contribute to making a SaaS or cloud-based DXP attractive. Still not ready for the move to SaaS? Don’t worry, we have something for everyone. You can host your DXP yourself or with a partner, publicly or privately, and if you’re not ready for cloud at all, then you can still deploy it on-premises. 

Try Kentico

Beat the competition and start delivering results with the only digital experience platform that combines advanced capabilities, a short time to value, and ease of use.

Key platform features

Scalability and Performance

Deliver high-performance websites with the latest ASP.NET technology.


MVC Development

Speed up development with ASP.NET Core MVC and make marketers more productive with widgets.


Deployment Tools

Benefit from straightforward deployment and server maintenance. Create and synchronize multiple environments effortlessly.



Eliminate threats and secure your websites. Stay protected with Anti-CSRF tokens and create multiple security layers.


Cloud Deployment

Deploy your websites in the cloud.


Headless API

Publish content to any channel with a powerful headless API layer.


Extensibility and Customization

Extend the platform with your code. Add custom functionality and customize the user interface to fit specific use cases.

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