Maximize website ROI with a DXP

Deploy your website quickly and deliver seamless, omnichannel digital experiences through powerful DXP features that offers great return on investment. A scalable, secure platform with centralized, future-proof features and quick time to market will skyrocket your digital transformation, boost your customer engagement and make your investment the best decision ever.

Accelerate digital transformation with a quick time to market

The ongoing digital transformation, sparked by the pandemic of COVID-19, has accelerated the need for many companies to improve their online presentation. When all businesses are fighting for their space in the digital environment, it’s essential to not stay behind. One of the key aspects of staying ahead of the curve is the ability to deliver projects fast. 

With a digital experience platform, combining the strengths of a content management system (CMS), digital marketing, and digital commerce, you'll deliver and maintain a powerful website, whether it’s an eshop or any other solution, with an extremely quick time-to-marketThe cutting-edge technology and easy integrations with your existing tech stack allow for a speedy integration into the digital world, thanks to which you’ll generate more revenue faster. 

Launching a thriving commerce store within just 3 months? Marshalls is one of many projects to demonstrate how quick a successful website implementation with Kentico can be!

Skyrocket results by consolidating tools and resources

With a DXP, you no longer need to use a variety of features, causing inefficiencies across the organization. No more content redundancies, complicated maintenance, or laborious onboarding for each individual tool. Instead, you will enjoy a unified interface with a variety of tools that easily adapt to your specific level of digital experience maturity, grow alongside your needs, and increase your productivity. Speed up your content creation and publishing processes, as well as your general marketing efforts through a powerful, centralized toolset, and deliver consistent digital experiences effortlessly. 

Leveraging KenticoComet Group have built a powerful website that is easy to maintain and adapts to their future needs, immediately improving their traffic results, boosting the duration of their website visits by an incredible 134%, and decreasing their bounce rate by 47%. 

Generate positive ROI with powerful DXP features

Our flexible DXP provides a future-proof toolset that helps organizations accelerate their journey to digital success no matter what level of digital experience maturity they’re at.  

  • Create and maintain sophisticated hierarchical information architecture easier than ever with the powerful content modelling features, the heart and soul of each website, and secure a positive spin on your numbers

  • Generate a positive ROI through powerful automated digital marketing features, such as content personalizationmarketing automationA/B testinglead scoring, or visitor segmentation

  • Leverage features of multichannel marketing and deliver compelling digital experiences across all digital touchpoints to engage more customers on their preferred channels 

  • Integrate your external tools through our powerful API to centralize even more data and engage better with your audiences

  • Offer your goods through integrated digital commerce and promote it with perfectly seamless, omnichannel digital experiences to increase revenue.

Boost conversions with improved customer engagement

By bringing together all you need to know about your customers and gaining a 360-degree view of their preferences and actions across all channels and devices, you’ll easily stay on top of their entire customer journey. Enjoy the feeling of being really close to your visitors and customers and deliver seamless digital experiences that will make them feel at home with your brand and boost your conversion rates. Just like Locke with their incredible 53% improvement in conversion rates after having futureproofed their online presence. 

The centralized dashboard within your DXP will help you collect relevant information through an Analytics and Customer Data Platform. Based on this valuable data, you’ll be able to perfectly tailor your customers’ user experience and provide them with seamless multichannel digital experiences across all digital touchpoints. That way, keeping your customers engaged, happy, and loyal becomes an easy task, maximizing your ROIThanks to the unified nature of Kenticofacq has managed to boost interactions with their website by 50% and reached a 50% faster loading time!

Save time by streamlining your processes and simplifying collaboration

Are you tired of repetitive tasks, needing to access multiple tools to gather all necessary data or digital assets, and laboriously cooperating with the rest of your team over the same series of tasks? With a flexible digital experience platform from Kentico, you’ll be able to optimize and automate your processes, streamline workflows, and centralize your content repository. This leaves you with a lot more time to tackle other, more important, or strategic tasks, and resources that can be used to boost growth. 

Avoid managing projects in silos and eliminate all extra costs this might otherwise incur. Centralizing your content production allows for a smoother collaboration across departments and enhances your ability to deliver seamless digital experiences to your audiences faster, and with confidence. Your customers will appreciate it and your numbers will skyrocket. Discover how simplifying work with content and improving manageability of the site has helped Royal Geographical Society boost their traffic by hundreds of thousands of new users.

Mitigate long-term costs of scaling to adapt to a dynamic business

Better user experience generates more website traffic. A growing user base then asks for a flexible solution that grows alongside all your needs and yet maintains an effective performance. Investing in a DXP allows you to grow flexibly with your business development and offers an easily scalable solution to accommodate for the increased traffic. 

Kentico is designed with scalability in mind, offering an extensive and solid API, coupled with seamless custom development integration straight into the DXP. It allows you to save long-term by minimizing the costs associated with adapting to your changing business.

Centralized and organized maintenance and security, automated bug fixing

Avoid the pain of needing to update, refresh, or maintain many different tools at different times and save valuable time and resources. With a DXP, all changes are made from one place, communicated transparently, and executed with reliable guidance from our support. Varying updates won’t conflict with each other or upset the balance of your platform, and all possible problems are taken care of through collective bug fixing. Besides, you can rely on the highest level of security standards to keep all your data protected behind a strong gate, with the same bulletproof rules and policies that apply. 

A more centralized approach to maintaining their website has brought an incredible 55% increase in page views per session and boosted their session time by 20%!

Rely on universal support and knowledgeable community

In case you need itall you have to do is to reach out to a single point of contact, or access a single point of information, and your question gets answered without it being time-consuming or inefficient. That applies no matter what feature within your DXP it concerns. Our well-educated support team and customer education team are here to guide you at any point of your digital journey and help you reach your desired numbers. You can also easily explore all you need to know through Kentico's community of DXP experts and MVPs or build strong business relationships with our broad network at some of our regular or special events.

Try Kentico

Beat the competition and start delivering results with the only digital experience platform that combines advanced capabilities, a short time to value, and ease of use.

Key platform features

Scalability and Performance

Deliver high-performance websites with the latest ASP.NET technology.


MVC Development

Speed up development with ASP.NET Core MVC and make marketers more productive with widgets.


Deployment Tools

Benefit from straightforward deployment and server maintenance. Create and synchronize multiple environments effortlessly.



Eliminate threats and secure your websites. Stay protected with Anti-CSRF tokens and create multiple security layers.


Cloud Deployment

Deploy your websites in the cloud.


Headless API

Publish content to any channel with a powerful headless API layer.


Extensibility and Customization

Extend the platform with your code. Add custom functionality and customize the user interface to fit specific use cases.

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