
We offer online training for developers and marketers, providing comprehensive, hands-on experience with best practices to help you achieve your goals.

We have created these courses to help you go from zero to ready-to-deploy to ensure your project is a success.

Choose the right training

If you're new to Kentico, it's important to gain some experience on both the technical and the business side.

All-in-1 subscription

Companies can save money by subscribing to all our courses. Train your in-house developers, marketers, and editors for one price.

For marketers and content editors

You're going to need to be able to use the features that matter most to your role.

For developers

Laying the technical foundations early is essential for any project. Kick-start your training with these technical courses and resources.

Get started.

Find out what it's like to develop Kentico websites.

Kentico training courses.

Learn how to develop and customize Kentico applications.

Kentico Portal Engine training

Learn all about managing content and digital marketing and the basics of creating a Kentico website built with the legacy Portal Engine technology.

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